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What is this?

The standard library in C is much smaller than in, for example, Python or Go. Those languages come with “batteries included” support for things like HTTP(S), JSON, timezones and async IO.

C programmers, on the other hand, are often used to being “self-sufficient” - using a limited set of libraries and handcraft logic. This is due to the fact that C does not have an “all-in-one” package manager and repository so far, and the online information is so fragmented that almost forces one to give up finding a good library for his/her use case. They sometimes don’t know which packages are stable, fully functional, and trustworthy.

To avoid reinventing the wheel, this list is intended to answer those questions.

Disclaimer: This list is not exhaustive and is not intended to be. It is also not a list of the “best” C libraries, because “best” is subjective. We want to include those well-maintained, well-documented, and well-tested libraries that are widely used and have a good reputation. But even so, it is possible to miss something with only a few searches and comparisons. If you find something weird, don’t hesitate to come and help us refine it! :)

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